author "Yann E. MORIN" <>
Thu Oct 09 19:17:49 2008 +0000 (2008-10-09)
changeset 914 0b164a321177
parent 548 3cd87bbfdf5a
permissions -rwxr-xr-x
Only one component is actually BROKEN (libelf), make it depend on EXPERIMENTAL, but state BROKEN in the prompt.
ltrace (which depends on libelf) is now marked as EXPERIMENTAL, with the reference to the BROKEN libelf in the help entry.

/trunk/docs/overview.txt | 6 0 6 0 ------
/trunk/config/debug/ | 7 4 3 0 ++++---
/trunk/config/global/ | 8 0 8 0 --------
/trunk/config/tools/ | 5 3 2 0 +++--
4 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)
     1 #!/bin/bash
     3 # Adds a new version to one of the toolchain component
     4 myname="$0"
     6 doHelp() {
     7     cat <<-EOF
     8 Usage: ${myname} <tool> [option] <version>
     9   'tool' in one of:
    10     --gcc, --binutils, --glibc, --eglibc, --uClibc, --linux,
    11     --gdb, --dmalloc, --duma, --strace, --ltrace, --libelf
    12     --gmp, --mpfr
    14   Valid options for all tools:
    15     --experimental, -x
    16       mark the version as being experimental
    18     --obsolete, -o
    19       mark the version as being obsolete
    21   'version' is a valid version for the specified tool.
    23   Examples:
    24     add version to linux kernel:
    25       ${myname} --linux
    27     add experimental versions 2.3.5 and 2.3.6 to glibc:
    28       ${myname} --glibc -x 2.3.5 2.3.6
    29 EOF
    30 }
    32 cat=
    33 tool=
    34 tool_prefix=
    35 VERSION=
    36 EXP=
    37 OBS=
    38 prompt_suffix=
    40 i=1
    41 while [ $i -le $# ]; do
    42     case "${!i}" in
    43         # Tools:
    44         --gcc)              cat=CC;        tool=gcc;      tool_prefix=cc;;
    45         --binutils)         cat=BINUTILS;  tool=binutils; tool_prefix=;;
    46         --glibc)            cat=LIBC;      tool=glibc;    tool_prefix=libc;;
    47         --eglibc)           cat=LIBC;      tool=eglibc;   tool_prefix=libc;;
    48         --uClibc)           cat=LIBC;      tool=uClibc;   tool_prefix=libc;;
    49         --linux)            cat=KERNEL;    tool=linux;    tool_prefix=kernel;;
    50         --gdb)              cat=GDB;       tool=gdb;      tool_prefix=debug;;
    51         --dmalloc)          cat=DMALLOC;   tool=dmalloc;  tool_prefix=debug;;
    52         --duma)             cat=DUMA;      tool=duma;     tool_prefix=debug;;
    53         --strace)           cat=STRACE;    tool=strace;   tool_prefix=debug;;
    54         --ltrace)           cat=LTRACE;    tool=ltrace;   tool_prefix=debug;;
    55         --libelf)           cat=LIBELF;    tool=libelf;   tool_prefix=tools;;
    56         --gmp)              cat=GMP;       tool=gmp;      tool_prefix=gmp_mpfr;;
    57         --mpfr)             cat=MPFR;      tool=mpfr;     tool_prefix=gmp_mpfr;;
    58         # Tools options:
    59         -x|--experimental)  EXP=1; OBS=; prompt_suffix=" (EXPERIMENTAL)";;
    60         -o|--obsolete)      OBS=1; EXP=; prompt_suffix=" (OBSOLETE)";;
    61         # Misc:
    62         -h|--help)          doHelp; exit 0;;
    63         -*)                 echo "Unknown option: '${!i}' (use -h/--help for help)."; exit 1;;
    64         *)                  VERSION="${VERSION} ${!i}";;
    65     esac
    66     i=$((i+1))
    67 done
    69 [ -n "${tool}" -o -n "${VERSION}" ] || { doHelp; exit 1; }
    71 for ver in ${VERSION}; do
    72     unset DEP L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 FILE v ver_M ver_m
    73     FILE="config/${tool_prefix}/${tool}.in"
    74     v=$(echo "${ver}" |sed -r -e 's/-/_/g; s/\./_/g;')
    75     L1="config ${cat}_V_${v}\n"
    76     L2="    bool\n"
    77     L3="    prompt \"${ver}${prompt_suffix}\"\n"
    78     [ -n "${EXP}" ] && DEP="${DEP} && EXPERIMENTAL"
    79     [ -n "${OBS}" ] && DEP="${DEP} && OBSOLETE"
    80     [ -n "${DEP}" ] && L4="    depends on "$(echo "${DEP}" |sed -r -e 's/^ \&\& //; s/\&/\\&/g;')"\n"
    81     if [ "${tool}" = "gcc" ]; then
    82         # Extract 'M'ajor and 'm'inor from version string
    83         ver_M=$(echo "${ver}...." |cut -d . -f 1)
    84         ver_m=$(echo "${ver}...." |cut -d . -f 2)
    85         if [ ${ver_M} -gt 4 -o \( ${ver_M} -eq 4 -a ${ver_m} -ge 3 \) ]; then
    86             L5="    select CC_GCC_4_3_or_later\n"
    87         fi
    88     fi
    89     L6="    default \"${ver}\" if ${cat}_V_${v}"
    90     sed -r -i -e 's/^(# CT_INSERT_VERSION_ABOVE)$/'"${L1}${L2}${L3}${L4}${L5}"'\n\1/;'  \
    91               -e 's/^(# CT_INSERT_VERSION_STRING_ABOVE)$/'"${L6}"'\n\1/;'               \
    92               "${FILE}"
    93 done