author "Yann E. MORIN" <>
Tue Aug 07 17:07:39 2007 +0000 (2007-08-07)
changeset 315 32cc893978ac
parent 265 4d5beae7cb87
child 326 7344f3cc38fa
permissions -rw-r--r--
Fix the to correctly remove generated documentation.
     1 # This file contains some usefull common functions
     2 # Copyright 2007 Yann E. MORIN
     3 # Licensed under the GPL v2. See COPYING in the root of this package
     5 # Prepare the fault handler
     6 CT_OnError() {
     7     ret=$?
     8     CT_DoLog ERROR "Build failed in step \"${CT_STEP_MESSAGE[${CT_STEP_COUNT}]}\""
     9     for((step=(CT_STEP_COUNT-1); step>1; step--)); do
    10         CT_DoLog ERROR "      called in step \"${CT_STEP_MESSAGE[${step}]}\""
    11     done
    12     CT_DoLog ERROR "Error happened in \"${BASH_SOURCE[1]}\" in function \"${FUNCNAME[1]}\" (line unknown, sorry)"
    13     for((depth=2; ${BASH_LINENO[$((${depth}-1))]}>0; depth++)); do
    14         CT_DoLog ERROR "      called from \"${BASH_SOURCE[${depth}]}\" at line # ${BASH_LINENO[${depth}-1]} in function \"${FUNCNAME[${depth}]}\""
    15     done
    16     [ "${CT_LOG_TO_FILE}" = "y" ] && CT_DoLog ERROR "Look at \"${CT_LOG_FILE}\" for more info on this error."
    17     CT_STEP_COUNT=1
    18     CT_DoEnd ERROR
    19     exit $ret
    20 }
    22 # Install the fault handler
    23 trap CT_OnError ERR
    25 # Inherit the fault handler in subshells and functions
    26 set -E
    28 # Make pipes fail on the _first_ failed command
    29 # Not supported on bash < 3.x, but we need it, so drop the obsoleting bash-2.x
    30 set -o pipefail
    32 # Don't hash commands' locations, and search every time it is requested.
    33 # This is slow, but needed because of the static/shared core gcc which shall
    34 # always match to shared if it exists, and only fallback to static if the
    35 # shared is not found
    36 set +o hashall
    38 # Log policy:
    39 #  - first of all, save stdout so we can see the live logs: fd #6
    40 exec 6>&1
    41 #  - then point stdout to the log file (temporary for now)
    42 tmp_log_file="${CT_TOP_DIR}/log.$$"
    43 exec >>"${tmp_log_file}"
    45 # The different log levels:
    53 # A function to log what is happening
    54 # Different log level are available:
    55 #   - ERROR:   A serious, fatal error occurred
    56 #   - WARN:    A non fatal, non serious error occurred, take your responsbility with the generated build
    57 #   - INFO:    Informational messages
    58 #   - EXTRA:   Extra informational messages
    59 #   - DEBUG:   Debug messages
    60 #   - ALL:     Component's build messages
    61 # Usage: CT_DoLog <level> [message]
    62 # If message is empty, then stdin will be logged.
    63 CT_DoLog() {
    64     local max_level LEVEL level cur_l cur_L
    65     local l
    66     eval max_level="\${CT_LOG_LEVEL_${CT_LOG_LEVEL_MAX}}"
    67     # Set the maximum log level to DEBUG if we have none
    68     [ -z "${max_level}" ] && max_level=${CT_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG}
    70     LEVEL="$1"; shift
    71     eval level="\${CT_LOG_LEVEL_${LEVEL}}"
    73     if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
    74         cat -
    75     else
    76         echo "${1}"
    77     fi |( IFS="\n" # We want the full lines, even leading spaces
    78           CT_PROG_BAR_CPT=0
    79           indent=$((2*CT_STEP_COUNT))
    80           while read line; do
    81               case "${CT_LOG_SEE_TOOLS_WARN},${line}" in
    82                 y,*"warning:"*)         cur_L=WARN; cur_l=${CT_LOG_LEVEL_WARN};;
    83                 y,*"WARNING:"*)         cur_L=WARN; cur_l=${CT_LOG_LEVEL_WARN};;
    84                 *"error:"*)             cur_L=ERROR; cur_l=${CT_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR};;
    85                 *"make["?*"]:"*"Stop.") cur_L=ERROR; cur_l=${CT_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR};;
    86                 *)                      cur_L="${LEVEL}"; cur_l="${level}";;
    87               esac
    88               l="`printf \"[%-5s]%*s%s%s\" \"${cur_L}\" \"${indent}\" \" \" \"${line}\"`"
    89               # There will always be a log file, be it /dev/null
    90               echo -e "${l}"
    91               if [ ${cur_l} -le ${max_level} ]; then
    92                   echo -e "\r${l}" >&6
    93               fi
    94               if [ "${CT_LOG_PROGRESS_BAR}" = "y" ]; then
    95                   [ ${CT_PROG_BAR_CPT} -eq 0  ] && bar="/"
    96                   [ ${CT_PROG_BAR_CPT} -eq 10 ] && bar="-"
    97                   [ ${CT_PROG_BAR_CPT} -eq 20 ] && bar="\\"
    98                   [ ${CT_PROG_BAR_CPT} -eq 30 ] && bar="|"
    99                   printf "\r[%02d:%02d] %s " $((SECONDS/60)) $((SECONDS%60)) "${bar}" >&6
   100                   CT_PROG_BAR_CPT=$(((CT_PROG_BAR_CPT+1)%40))
   101               fi
   102           done
   103         )
   105     return 0
   106 }
   108 # Tail message to be logged whatever happens
   109 # Usage: CT_DoEnd <level>
   110 CT_DoEnd()
   111 {
   112     local level="$1"
   113     CT_STOP_DATE=`CT_DoDate +%s%N`
   114     CT_STOP_DATE_HUMAN=`CT_DoDate +%Y%m%d.%H%M%S`
   115     CT_DoLog "${level:-INFO}" "Build completed at ${CT_STOP_DATE_HUMAN}"
   116     elapsed=$((CT_STOP_DATE-CT_STAR_DATE))
   117     elapsed_min=$((elapsed/(60*1000*1000*1000)))
   118     elapsed_sec=`printf "%02d" $(((elapsed%(60*1000*1000*1000))/(1000*1000*1000)))`
   119     elapsed_csec=`printf "%02d" $(((elapsed%(1000*1000*1000))/(10*1000*1000)))`
   120     CT_DoLog ${level:-INFO} "(elapsed: ${elapsed_min}:${elapsed_sec}.${elapsed_csec})"
   121 }
   123 # Abort the execution with an error message
   124 # Usage: CT_Abort <message>
   125 CT_Abort() {
   126     CT_DoLog ERROR "$1"
   127     exit 1
   128 }
   130 # Test a condition, and print a message if satisfied
   131 # Usage: CT_Test <message> <tests>
   132 CT_Test() {
   133     local ret
   134     local m="$1"
   135     shift
   136     test "$@" && CT_DoLog WARN "$m"
   137     return 0
   138 }
   140 # Test a condition, and abort with an error message if satisfied
   141 # Usage: CT_TestAndAbort <message> <tests>
   142 CT_TestAndAbort() {
   143     local m="$1"
   144     shift
   145     test "$@" && CT_Abort "$m"
   146     return 0
   147 }
   149 # Test a condition, and abort with an error message if not satisfied
   150 # Usage: CT_TestAndAbort <message> <tests>
   151 CT_TestOrAbort() {
   152     local m="$1"
   153     shift
   154     test "$@" || CT_Abort "$m"
   155     return 0
   156 }
   158 # Test the presence of a tool, or abort if not found
   159 # Usage: CT_HasOrAbort <tool>
   160 CT_HasOrAbort() {
   161     CT_TestAndAbort "\"${1}\" not found and needed for successfull toolchain build." -z "`CT_Which \"${1}\"`"
   162     return 0
   163 }
   165 # Search a program: wrap "which" for those system where
   166 # "which" verbosely says there is no match (Mdk are such
   167 # suckers...)
   168 # Usage: CT_Which <filename>
   169 CT_Which() {
   170   which "$1" 2>/dev/null || true
   171 }
   173 # Get current date with nanosecond precision
   174 # On those system not supporting nanosecond precision, faked with rounding down
   175 # to the highest entire second
   176 # Usage: CT_DoDate <fmt>
   177 CT_DoDate() {
   178     date "$1" |sed -r -e 's/%N$/000000000/;'
   179 }
   181 CT_STEP_COUNT=1
   182 CT_STEP_MESSAGE[${CT_STEP_COUNT}]="<none>"
   183 # Memorise a step being done so that any error is caught
   184 # Usage: CT_DoStep <loglevel> <message>
   185 CT_DoStep() {
   186     local start=`CT_DoDate +%s%N`
   187     CT_DoLog "$1" "================================================================="
   188     CT_DoLog "$1" "$2"
   189     CT_STEP_COUNT=$((CT_STEP_COUNT+1))
   190     CT_STEP_LEVEL[${CT_STEP_COUNT}]="$1"; shift
   191     CT_STEP_START[${CT_STEP_COUNT}]="${start}"
   192     CT_STEP_MESSAGE[${CT_STEP_COUNT}]="$1"
   193     return 0
   194 }
   196 # End the step just being done
   197 # Usage: CT_EndStep
   198 CT_EndStep() {
   199     local stop=`CT_DoDate +%s%N`
   200     local duration=`printf "%032d" $((stop-${CT_STEP_START[${CT_STEP_COUNT}]})) |sed -r -e 's/([[:digit:]]{2})[[:digit:]]{7}$/\.\1/; s/^0+//; s/^\./0\./;'`
   201     local level="${CT_STEP_LEVEL[${CT_STEP_COUNT}]}"
   202     local message="${CT_STEP_MESSAGE[${CT_STEP_COUNT}]}"
   203     CT_STEP_COUNT=$((CT_STEP_COUNT-1))
   204     CT_DoLog "${level}" "${message}: done in ${duration}s"
   205     return 0
   206 }
   208 # Pushes into a directory, and pops back
   209 CT_Pushd() {
   210     pushd "$1" >/dev/null 2>&1
   211 }
   212 CT_Popd() {
   213     popd >/dev/null 2>&1
   214 }
   216 # Makes a path absolute
   217 # Usage: CT_MakeAbsolutePath path
   218 CT_MakeAbsolutePath() {
   219     # Try to cd in that directory
   220     if [ -d "$1" ]; then
   221         CT_Pushd "$1"
   222         pwd
   223         CT_Popd
   224     else
   225         # No such directory, fail back to guessing
   226         case "$1" in
   227             /*)  echo "$1";;
   228             *)   echo "`pwd`/$1";;
   229         esac
   230     fi
   232     return 0
   233 }
   235 # Creates a temporary directory
   236 # $1: variable to assign to
   237 # Usage: CT_MktempDir foo
   238 CT_MktempDir() {
   239     # Some mktemp do not allow more than 6 Xs
   240     eval "$1"="`mktemp -q -d \"${CT_BUILD_DIR}/.XXXXXX\"`"
   241     CT_TestOrAbort "Could not make temporary directory" -n "${!1}" -a -d "${!1}"
   242 }
   244 # Echoes the specified string on stdout until the pipe breaks.
   245 # Doesn't fail
   246 # $1: string to echo
   247 # Usage: CT_DoYes "" |make oldconfig
   248 CT_DoYes() {
   249     yes "$1" || true
   250 }
   252 # Get the file name extension of a component
   253 # Usage: CT_GetFileExtension <component_name-component_version>
   254 # If found, echoes the extension to stdout
   255 # If not found, echoes nothing on stdout.
   256 CT_GetFileExtension() {
   257     local ext
   258     local file="$1"
   260     CT_Pushd "${CT_TARBALLS_DIR}"
   261     # we need to also check for an empty extension for those very
   262     # peculiar components that don't have one (such as sstrip from
   263     # buildroot).
   264     for ext in .tar.gz .tar.bz2 .tgz .tar ''; do
   265         if [ -f "${file}${ext}" ]; then
   266             echo "${ext}"
   267             break
   268         fi
   269     done
   270     CT_Popd
   272     return 0
   273 }
   275 # Download an URL using wget
   276 # Usage: CT_DoGetFileWget <URL>
   277 CT_DoGetFileWget() {
   278     # Need to return true because it is legitimate to not find the tarball at
   279     # some of the provided URLs (think about snapshots, different layouts for
   280     # different gcc versions, etc...)
   281     # Some (very old!) FTP server might not support the passive mode, thus
   282     # retry without
   283     # With automated download as we are doing, it can be very dangerous to use
   284     # -c to continue the downloads. It's far better to simply overwrite the
   285     # destination file
   286     wget -nc --progress=dot:binary --tries=3 --passive-ftp "$1" || wget -nc --progress=dot:binary --tries=3 "$1" || true
   287 }
   289 # Download an URL using curl
   290 # Usage: CT_DoGetFileCurl <URL>
   291 CT_DoGetFileCurl() {
   292 	# Note: comments about wget method are also valid here
   293 	# Plus: no good progreess indicator is available with curl,
   294 	#       so output is consigned to oblivion
   295 	curl --ftp-pasv -O --retry 3 "$1" >/dev/null || curl -O --retry 3 "$1" >/dev/null || true
   296 }
   298 _wget=`CT_Which wget`
   299 _curl=`CT_Which curl`
   300 # Wrapper function to call one of curl or wget
   301 # Usage: CT_DoGetFile <URL>
   302 CT_DoGetFile() {
   303     case "${_wget},${_curl}" in
   304         ,)  CT_DoError "Could find neither wget nor curl";;
   305         ,*) CT_DoGetFileCurl "$1" 2>&1 |CT_DoLog ALL;;
   306         *)  CT_DoGetFileWget "$1" 2>&1 |CT_DoLog ALL;;
   307     esac
   308 }
   310 # Download the file from one of the URLs passed as argument
   311 # Usage: CT_GetFile <filename> [extension] <url> [url ...]
   312 CT_GetFile() {
   313     local ext
   314     local url
   315     local file="$1"
   316     local first_ext=""
   317     shift
   318     case "$1" in
   319         .tar.bz2|.tar.gz|.tgz|.tar)
   320             first_ext="$1"
   321             shift
   322             ;;
   323     esac
   325     # Do we already have it?
   326     ext=`CT_GetFileExtension "${file}"`
   327     if [ -n "${ext}" ]; then
   328         CT_DoLog DEBUG "Already have \"${file}\""
   329         return 0
   330     fi
   332     CT_Pushd "${CT_TARBALLS_DIR}"
   333     # We'd rather have a bzip2'ed tarball, then gzipped tarball, plain tarball,
   334     # or, as a failover, a file without extension.
   335     # Try local copy first, if it exists
   336     for ext in ${first_ext} .tar.bz2 .tar.gz .tgz .tar ''; do
   337         CT_DoLog DEBUG "Trying \"${CT_LOCAL_TARBALLS_DIR}/${file}${ext}\""
   338         if [ -r "${CT_LOCAL_TARBALLS_DIR}/${file}${ext}" -a \
   339              "${CT_FORCE_DOWNLOAD}" != "y" ]; then
   340             CT_DoLog EXTRA "Retrieving \"${file}\" from local storage"
   341             cp -v "${CT_LOCAL_TARBALLS_DIR}/${file}${ext}" "${file}${ext}" |CT_DoLog ALL
   342             return 0
   343         fi
   344     done
   345     # Try to download it
   346     CT_DoLog EXTRA "Retrieving \"${file}\" from network"
   347     for ext in ${first_ext} .tar.bz2 .tar.gz .tgz .tar ''; do
   348         # Try all urls in turn
   349         for url in "$@"; do
   350             CT_DoLog DEBUG "Trying \"${url}/${file}${ext}\""
   351             CT_DoGetFile "${url}/${file}${ext}"
   352             if [ -f "${file}${ext}" ]; then
   353                 # No need to test if the file already exists because
   354                 # it does NOT. If it did exist, we'd have been stopped
   355                 # above, when looking for local copies.
   356                 if [ "${CT_SAVE_TARBALLS}" = "y" ]; then
   357                     CT_DoLog EXTRA "Saving \"${file}\" to local storage"
   358                     cp -v "${file}${ext}" "${CT_LOCAL_TARBALLS_DIR}" |CT_DoLog ALL
   359                 fi
   360                 return 0
   361             fi
   362         done
   363     done
   364     CT_Popd
   366     CT_Abort "Could not download \"${file}\", and not present in \"${CT_LOCAL_TARBALLS_DIR}\""
   367 }
   369 # Extract a tarball and patch the resulting sources if necessary.
   370 # Some tarballs need to be extracted in specific places. Eg.: glibc addons
   371 # must be extracted in the glibc directory; uCLibc locales must be extracted
   372 # in the extra/locale sub-directory of uClibc.
   373 CT_ExtractAndPatch() {
   374     local file="$1"
   375     local base_file=`echo "${file}" |cut -d - -f 1`
   376     local ver_file=`echo "${file}" |cut -d - -f 2-`
   377     local official_patch_dir
   378     local custom_patch_dir
   379     local libc_addon
   380     local ext=`CT_GetFileExtension "${file}"`
   381     CT_TestAndAbort "\"${file}\" not found in \"${CT_TARBALLS_DIR}\"" -z "${ext}"
   382     local full_file="${CT_TARBALLS_DIR}/${file}${ext}"
   384     CT_Pushd "${CT_SRC_DIR}"
   386     # Add-ons need a little love, really.
   387     case "${file}" in
   388         glibc-[a-z]*-*)
   389             CT_TestAndAbort "Trying to extract the C-library addon/locales \"${file}\" when C-library not yet extracted" ! -d "${CT_LIBC_FILE}"
   390             cd "${CT_LIBC_FILE}"
   391             libc_addon=y
   392             [ -f ".${file}.extracted" ] && return 0
   393             touch ".${file}.extracted"
   394             ;;
   395         uClibc-locale-*)
   396             CT_TestAndAbort "Trying to extract the C-library addon/locales \"${file}\" when C-library not yet extracted" ! -d "${CT_LIBC_FILE}"
   397             cd "${CT_LIBC_FILE}/extra/locale"
   398             libc_addon=y
   399             [ -f ".${file}.extracted" ] && return 0
   400             touch ".${file}.extracted"
   401             ;;
   402     esac
   404     # If the directory exists, then consider extraction and patching done
   405     if [ -d "${file}" ]; then
   406         CT_DoLog DEBUG "Already extracted \"${file}\""
   407         return 0
   408     fi
   410     CT_DoLog EXTRA "Extracting \"${file}\""
   411     case "${ext}" in
   412         .tar.bz2)     tar xvjf "${full_file}" |CT_DoLog ALL;;
   413         .tar.gz|.tgz) tar xvzf "${full_file}" |CT_DoLog ALL;;
   414         .tar)         tar xvf  "${full_file}" |CT_DoLog ALL;;
   415         *)            CT_Abort "Don't know how to handle \"${file}\": unknown extension" ;;
   416     esac
   418     # Snapshots might not have the version number in the extracted directory
   419     # name. This is also the case for some (odd) packages, such as D.U.M.A.
   420     # Overcome this issue by symlink'ing the directory.
   421     if [ ! -d "${file}" -a "${libc_addon}" != "y" ]; then
   422         case "${ext}" in
   423             .tar.bz2)     base=`tar tjf "${full_file}" |head -n 1 |cut -d / -f 1 || true`;;
   424             .tar.gz|.tgz) base=`tar tzf "${full_file}" |head -n 1 |cut -d / -f 1 || true`;;
   425             .tar)         base=`tar tf  "${full_file}" |head -n 1 |cut -d / -f 1 || true`;;
   426         esac
   427         CT_TestOrAbort "There was a problem when extracting \"${file}\"" -d "${base}" -o "${base}" != "${file}"
   428         ln -s "${base}" "${file}"
   429     fi
   431     # Kludge: outside this function, we wouldn't know if we had just extracted
   432     # a libc addon, or a plain package. Apply patches now.
   433     CT_DoLog EXTRA "Patching \"${file}\""
   435     if [ "${libc_addon}" = "y" ]; then
   436         # Some addons tarball directly contian the correct addon directory,
   437         # while others have the addon directory named ofter the tarball.
   438         # Fix that bu always using the short name (eg: linuxthreads, ports, etc...)
   439         addon_short_name=`echo "${file}" |sed -r -e 's/^[^-]+-//; s/-[^-]+$//;'`
   440         [ -d "${addon_short_name}" ] || ln -s "${file}" "${addon_short_name}"
   441         # If libc addon, we're already in the correct place
   442     else
   443         cd "${file}"
   444     fi
   446     official_patch_dir=
   447     custom_patch_dir=
   448     [ "${CUSTOM_PATCH_ONLY}" = "y" ] || official_patch_dir="${CT_LIB_DIR}/patches/${base_file}/${ver_file}"
   449     [ "${CT_CUSTOM_PATCH}" = "y" ] && custom_patch_dir="${CT_CUSTOM_PATCH_DIR}/${base_file}/${ver_file}"
   450     for patch_dir in "${official_patch_dir}" "${custom_patch_dir}"; do
   451         if [ -n "${patch_dir}" -a -d "${patch_dir}" ]; then
   452             for p in "${patch_dir}"/*.patch; do
   453                 if [ -f "${p}" ]; then
   454                     CT_DoLog DEBUG "Applying patch \"${p}\""
   455                     patch -g0 -F1 -p1 -f <"${p}" |CT_DoLog ALL
   456                     CT_TestAndAbort "Failed while applying patch file \"${p}\"" ${PIPESTATUS[0]} -ne 0
   457                 fi
   458             done
   459         fi
   460     done
   462     CT_Popd
   463 }
   465 # Two wrappers to call config.(guess|sub) either from CT_TOP_DIR or CT_LIB_DIR.
   466 # Those from CT_TOP_DIR, if they exist, will be be more recent than those from CT_LIB_DIR.
   467 CT_DoConfigGuess() {
   468     if [ -x "${CT_TOP_DIR}/tools/config.guess" ]; then
   469         "${CT_TOP_DIR}/tools/config.guess"
   470     else
   471         "${CT_LIB_DIR}/tools/config.guess"
   472     fi
   473 }
   475 CT_DoConfigSub() {
   476     if [ -x "${CT_TOP_DIR}/tools/config.sub" ]; then
   477         "${CT_TOP_DIR}/tools/config.sub" "$@"
   478     else
   479         "${CT_LIB_DIR}/tools/config.sub" "$@"
   480     fi
   481 }
   483 # Compute the target triplet from what is provided by the user
   484 # Usage: CT_DoBuildTargetTriplet
   485 # In fact this function takes the environment variables to build the target
   486 # triplet. It is needed both by the normal build sequence, as well as the
   487 # sample saving sequence.
   488 CT_DoBuildTargetTriplet() {
   489     case "${CT_ARCH_BE},${CT_ARCH_LE}" in
   490         y,) target_endian_eb=eb; target_endian_el=;;
   491         ,y) target_endian_eb=; target_endian_el=el;;
   492     esac
   493     case "${CT_ARCH}" in
   494         arm)  CT_TARGET="${CT_ARCH}${target_endian_eb}";;
   495         mips) CT_TARGET="${CT_ARCH}${target_endian_el}";;
   496         x86*) # Much love for this one :-(
   497               arch="${CT_ARCH_ARCH}"
   498               [ -z "${arch}" ] && arch="${CT_ARCH_TUNE}"
   499               case "${CT_ARCH}" in
   500                   x86_64)  CT_TARGET=x86_64;;
   501               	  *)  case "${arch}" in
   502                           "")                                       CT_TARGET=i386;;
   503                           i386|i486|i586|i686)                      CT_TARGET="${arch}";;
   504                           winchip*)                                 CT_TARGET=i486;;
   505                           pentium|pentium-mmx|c3*)                  CT_TARGET=i586;;
   506                           nocona|athlon*64|k8|athlon-fx|opteron)    CT_TARGET=x86_64;;
   507                           pentiumpro|pentium*|athlon*)              CT_TARGET=i686;;
   508                           *)                                        CT_TARGET=i586;;
   509                       esac;;
   510               esac;;
   511     esac
   512     case "${CT_TARGET_VENDOR}" in
   513         "") CT_TARGET="${CT_TARGET}-unknown";;
   514         *)  CT_TARGET="${CT_TARGET}-${CT_TARGET_VENDOR}";;
   515     esac
   516     case "${CT_KERNEL}" in
   517         linux*)  CT_TARGET="${CT_TARGET}-linux";;
   518     esac
   519     case "${CT_LIBC}" in
   520         glibc)  CT_TARGET="${CT_TARGET}-gnu";;
   521         uClibc) CT_TARGET="${CT_TARGET}-uclibc";;
   522     esac
   523     CT_TARGET=`CT_DoConfigSub "${CT_TARGET}"`
   524 }
   526 # This function does pause the build until the user strikes "Return"
   527 # Usage: CT_DoPause [optional_message]
   528 CT_DoPause() {
   529     local foo
   530     local message="${1:-Pausing for your pleasure}"
   531     CT_DoLog INFO "${message}"
   532     read -p "Press \"Enter\" to continue, or Ctrl-C to stop..." foo >&6
   533     return 0
   534 }
   536 # This function saves the state of the toolchain to be able to restart
   537 # at any one point
   538 # Usage: CT_DoSaveState <next_step_name>
   539 CT_DoSaveState() {
   540 	[ "${CT_DEBUG_CT_SAVE_STEPS}" = "y" ] || return 0
   541     local state_name="$1"
   542     local state_dir="${CT_STATE_DIR}/${state_name}"
   544     CT_DoLog DEBUG "Saving state to restart at step \"${state_name}\"..."
   545     rm -rf "${state_dir}"
   546     mkdir -p "${state_dir}"
   548     case "${CT_DEBUG_CT_SAVE_STEPS_GZIP}" in
   549         y)  tar_opt=czf; tar_ext=".tar.gz";;
   550         *)  tar_opt=cf;  tar_ext=".tar";;
   551     esac
   553     CT_DoLog DEBUG "  Saving environment and aliases"
   554     # We must omit shell functions
   555     # 'isgrep' is here because I don't seem to
   556     # be able to remove the functions names.
   557     set |awk '
   558          BEGIN { _p = 1; }
   559          $0~/^[^ ] ()/ { _p = 0; }
   560          _p == 1
   561          $0 == "}" { _p = 1; }
   562          ' |egrep -v '^[^ ]+ \(\)' >"${state_dir}/"
   565     CT_Pushd "${CT_CC_CORE_STATIC_PREFIX_DIR}"
   566     tar ${tar_opt} "${state_dir}/cc_core_static_prefix_dir${tar_ext}" .
   567     CT_Popd
   570     CT_Pushd "${CT_CC_CORE_SHARED_PREFIX_DIR}"
   571     tar ${tar_opt} "${state_dir}/cc_core_shared_prefix_dir${tar_ext}" .
   572     CT_Popd
   574     CT_DoLog DEBUG "  Saving CT_PREFIX_DIR=\"${CT_PREFIX_DIR}\""
   575     CT_Pushd "${CT_PREFIX_DIR}"
   576     tar ${tar_opt} "${state_dir}/prefix_dir${tar_ext}" --exclude '*.log' .
   577     CT_Popd
   579     if [ "${CT_LOG_TO_FILE}" = "y" ]; then
   580         CT_DoLog DEBUG "  Saving log file"
   581         exec >/dev/null
   582         case "${CT_DEBUG_CT_SAVE_STEPS_GZIP}" in
   583             y)  gzip -3 -c "${CT_LOG_FILE}"  >"${state_dir}/log.gz";;
   584             *)  cat "${CT_LOG_FILE}" >"${state_dir}/log";;
   585         esac
   586         exec >>"${CT_LOG_FILE}"
   587     fi
   588 }
   590 # This function restores a previously saved state
   591 # Usage: CT_DoLoadState <state_name>
   592 CT_DoLoadState(){
   593     local state_name="$1"
   594     local state_dir="${CT_STATE_DIR}/${state_name}"
   595     local old_RESTART="${CT_RESTART}"
   596     local old_STOP="${CT_STOP}"
   598     CT_TestOrAbort "The previous build did not reach the point where it could be restarted at \"${CT_RESTART}\"" -d "${state_dir}"
   600     # We need to do something special with the log file!
   601     if [ "${CT_LOG_TO_FILE}" = "y" ]; then
   602         exec >"${state_dir}/tail.log"
   603     fi
   604     CT_DoLog INFO "Restoring state at step \"${state_name}\", as requested."
   606     case "${CT_DEBUG_CT_SAVE_STEPS_GZIP}" in
   607         y)  tar_opt=xzf; tar_ext=".tar.gz";;
   608         *)  tar_opt=cf;  tar_ext=".tar";;
   609     esac
   611     CT_DoLog DEBUG "  Removing previous build directories"
   616     CT_DoLog DEBUG "  Restoring CT_PREFIX_DIR=\"${CT_PREFIX_DIR}\""
   617     CT_Pushd "${CT_PREFIX_DIR}"
   618     tar ${tar_opt} "${state_dir}/prefix_dir${tar_ext}"
   619     CT_Popd
   622     CT_Pushd "${CT_CC_CORE_SHARED_PREFIX_DIR}"
   623     tar ${tar_opt} "${state_dir}/cc_core_shared_prefix_dir${tar_ext}"
   624     CT_Popd
   627     CT_Pushd "${CT_CC_CORE_STATIC_PREFIX_DIR}"
   628     tar ${tar_opt} "${state_dir}/cc_core_static_prefix_dir${tar_ext}"
   629     CT_Popd
   631     # Restore the environment, discarding any error message
   632     # (for example, read-only bash internals)
   633     CT_DoLog DEBUG "  Restoring environment"
   634     . "${state_dir}/" >/dev/null 2>&1 || true
   636     # Restore the new RESTART and STOP steps
   637     CT_RESTART="${old_RESTART}"
   638     CT_STOP="${old_STOP}"
   639     unset old_stop old_restart
   641     if [ "${CT_LOG_TO_FILE}" = "y" ]; then
   642         CT_DoLog DEBUG "  Restoring log file"
   643         exec >/dev/null
   644         case "${CT_DEBUG_CT_SAVE_STEPS_GZIP}" in
   645             y)  zcat "${state_dir}/log.gz" >"${CT_LOG_FILE}";;
   646             *)  cat "${state_dir}/log" >"${CT_LOG_FILE}";;
   647         esac
   648         cat "${state_dir}/tail.log" >>"${CT_LOG_FILE}"
   649         exec >>"${CT_LOG_FILE}"
   650         rm -f "${state_dir}/tail.log"
   651     fi
   652 }